Purely concentrates are a fantastic pre and post workout drink. A lot lower in sugar than a flavored sports drinks, Purely provides more benefits without all the unhealthy additives. Here are some ways drinking Purely can help improve your workouts:
1. Vinegar Gives You an Energy Boost
Give yourself more energy during your workouts by drinking Q Soo before. Apple cider vinegar is known to increase energy and stamina.
2. Vinegar Absorbs Lactic Acid Produced from Fatigued Muscles
Many pro athletes drink pickle juice after an intense workout because the vinegar in the brine absorbs lactic acid from their muscles. Q Soo's blend of apple cider, coconut, and rice vinegar definitely does the trick and tastes way better.
3. Vinegar Helps Balance Your pH
Your bodies PH is very sensitive and when it is off balance it can leave you feeling out of sync. Because vinegar is an acid it restores your bodies PH after a workout.