Cool Off with these Healthy 3 Ingredient Popsicles

Cool Off with these Healthy 3 Ingredient Popsicles

Making popsicles at home is super easy and healthier than a store bought popsicle. These use Q Soo tonic which has apple cider vinegar which works to detox you and aid in your digestion. Follow this recipe for a guilt free treat:

Q Soo Berry Grape Popsicle

  • 1 bottle 12oz Q Soo Concord Grape Apple
  • 1 cup frozen or fresh strawberries (thaw if frozen)
  • 1 cup frozen or fresh blueberries (thaw if frozen)

1. Blend all the ingredients together add more Q Soo or water if mixture is too thick

2. Pour into molds and place sticks if your mold does not have them

3. Freeze overnight and remove carefully, then enjoy!

Recipe Inspo from Sam @ Wholesome Pattiserie

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